Why work with us?


Lasting visibility

Unlike traditional e-mail newsletters, HotCue DJ remains accessible online, allowing for continued exposure as the subscriber list expands.



We only work with and recommend brands that we have personally tested. Our audience trusts us.


Highly targeted

Tap into a crowd that’s passionate about DJing. Most of our subscribers come from our DJ-focussed YouTube channel.

🌎 About our readers

HotCue DJ is read across 31 states and 88 countries

18% UK
21% USA
7% Germany

Sponsorship opportunities

Illustration of featured advertising slot
Illustrative advertising slot example

Featured advertising slot

  • Your brand or product featured in the middle of one newsletter
  • Copy written by us, in our authentic voice
  • 1 x CTA link to your website of choice
  • Maximum one paragraph

Main sponsorship

  • Your brand or product featured at the top of one newsletter
  • Brand logo (maximum 200px x 60px)
  • Optional supplementary text and CTA link
Illustrative main sponsorship example

Other information

  • Due to availability and timing, there are no cancellations or reschedules after payment
  • Before promoting a product, it’s essential we try it first – our audience’s trust comes first.
  • Your sponsorship will remain on our newsletter website, even after the newsletter has gone out.
  • Sponsorship placements remain visible for a minimum of 6 months from send date, after which point they may be removed at our discretion.

Read past editions

The newsletter focuses on technical tips and tricks, mindset and strategy for DJs.

Read it here